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  • savdeann

Hunger and Thirst

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

- Matthew 5:6

God, you are creating a space of honesty and vulnerability with the students.

A safe space where Your presence is like fire, consuming and refining.

You are giving them a hunger for your presence, and a heart for the lost around them.

This is what revival looks like.

What I saw last night was revival on a Sunday night in the parking lot behind my church's student building. Tailgate worship, ministry night? Yes, something like that. I saw hunger and thirst. I saw Matthew 5:6, as these students hungered and thirsted after God. And God did not leave them empty. God filled those hearts, just as he promises. Truth was spoken, truth was received, and Jesus redeemed lives in that parking lot.

During worship, I prayed specifically for Jesus to reveal people's wounds, touch those wounds and heal them. And that's exactly what I saw happen. Students were pouring out their honest hearts, confessing their sins and wounds. And then, I saw God heal as brothers and sisters gathered around and prayed for one another. The power of Jesus on display.

AND two people surrendered their lives to Jesus, hallelujah!

What I saw was hunger and thirst for the one true God. The singing wasn't perfect. The testimonies were not planned. There was no timeline or structure. It was completely led by the Spirit - just a group of students desiring God and expecting him to move.

It makes me exclaim what the psalmist said in Psalms 73:28:

"But as for me, how good it is to be near God!

I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter,

and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do."

Truly, truly, how good it is to be near God, our Sovereign Lord, our shelter! And let's tell everyone about the wonderful things He does!


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May 26, 2021

Praise God! That's some good stuff!!


May 25, 2021

Beautiful and amazing!

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