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  • savdeann

So Sav, How is SBS Going?


Here is a much needed update from my school life!

The COOLEST news is - we finished studying the NEW TESTAMENT, except Matthew, which will be the last book we study.

AND we just finished the Pentateuch and are now in Judges. So many successes, glory to God!

I've already been deeply impacted by the Old Testament, and I'm only 7 books in.

I'm seeing the whole story, creation to the fall, God establishing his promise to make for himself his own people, the generations he chose to establish that promise with, then seeing God put action to his promise. Now I'm learning that even though his people continually disobey him, he is faithful to show mercy. The same God who was then is now, forever faithful, abounding in mercy, pursuing his beloved.

The more I study the Bible and see a loving, faithful God pursue a faithless people who continually rebel against him, the more I'm heavy about brokenness and sin. I am much more aware of the sinfulness in my own life and the long lasting effects sin have had on humanity.

During this season, through the Bible, God is teaching me how to depend on him by choosing surrender and faith. I realize that he is the only one who can redeem and heal my brokenness. Jesus truly is my living hope every day.

God is teaching me to give up my control to fix the broken things in my life and realize how helpless I am in my own strength.

Daily I am pressing forward to trust him, pray, and believe the miraculous, that he can heal and redeem.

And I believe he can. God is our Healer. He is our Redeemer.

He is faithful, friends.

Trust him with the seemingly impossible.



My last quarter's tuition is due March 19th. I am trusting God for $3,000 to pay for the rest of my school.

Please prayerfully consider financially supporting me. It's been an anxiety weighing on me, but I am trusting the Lord to provide.

My Venmo is @savannahdeann

Please comment SBS funds when you donate.

If you'd like to mail a check, my address is

Savannah Somerville

501 Blacktail Rd. Lakeside, MT

59922, United States

Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.

This school has been the hardest thing I've done in a long time. It's been so much work mentally, emotionally, spiritually. God is truly refining me by his truth. There is POWER in his Word!

Anytime I get an encouragement text or prayer text, it means so much to me. I need my community! I LOVE you guys!

I definitely need prayers to have strength to continue this school. We're diving into the thick of the Old Testament soon. Please pray for the daily filling of the Holy Spirit to give me the daily strength and energy to do the work that needs to be done that day.

I need the Holy Spirit's power to finish out the last few months of this school strong.

Jesus is worthy of it all,




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