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  • savdeann

Three Months, Refined by Truth

Hey guys! Happy NEW YEAR!

I have EXCITING NEWS. The first quarter of SBS is complete!

19 New Testament books studied and complete.

Philemon, Titus, Ephesians, Galatians, Mark, Luke, Acts, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, Philippians, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Hebrews, James, Colossians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and 1 Peter.

Honestly, seeing that shocks me. I can’t believe i’ve made it here, 19 books completed.

I’ll start off by telling you that this has been one of the hardest seasons of my life. I knew going into the school that it was going to be hard, but I don’t think I knew actually how truly hard it was going to be.

I think the best way to describe the first three months of SBS: “refined through fire”.

Fire refines and purifies. Gold, one of the most precious metals we have is created through fire. And as for me, I feel like I understand more of what gold has to go through.

What I’ve seen happen in three months of consistently studying God‘s word is that when I’m constantly studying scripture, the truth actually studies me, and looks into my heart and mind.

Through the living, active, and sharp Word, the Spirit points out the wretchedness that dwells within. There’s nowhere to hide from my sinfulness in studying the Bible. The truth searches me and holds my motives up to the perfect ways of the holy and righteous God.

A prayer that i’ve prayed while studying from Psalms 139 is, “You have searched me, you have known me, yet even still, search me oh God and know my heart. Lead me in the way everlasting.”

Th Psalmist writes in the first verse, “Lord, you have searched me and known me.“ And then he ends the psalm saying, “Search me, o God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!“

Oh Lord you have searched me and know me, yet still God, search me and know my heart.

The truth in scripture has been refining me. God has been in a continual process of burning away, that which is like chaff, the sinful ways in me. This is sanctification.

And it’s not been easy, yet quite painful really. The past three months have been some of the hardest I’ve walked through. God is constantly pointing out my motives and helping me understand why I do the things I do, why I think the way I do, and through that he’s showing me that I can walk in the ways of holiness that he has called me too.

Holiness has been a major theme of these three months, as we have read through the New Testament, and seen time and time again how Paul calls the believers to live in holiness amidst their sinful world. Much like back then, it is today, our world is full of wickedness, yet God calls believers to pursue holiness in its midst.

SBS has already given me so much wisdom into practically studying scripture in the inductive method to understand it accurately in the text's original context. I never knew how much you could understand the Bible by just doing the inductive method. It's pretty awesome. I'll write more posts hopefully soon to tell you more about it! I have so much to still share!


Favorite thing about SBS: Studying the Bible in a community that's like family

Hardest book to complete: Romans

Favorite book studied so far: Luke or maybe even Hebrews, both are top favorites

Favorite thing about living in Montana: the glory of always being surrounded by mountains, AND Flathead lake, AND all the drive-through coffee shops :)

Favorite thing about YWAM Lakeside: the Bible centered and mission mindedness of the community

If you have any questions about what I'm doing, how I'm studying the Bible, what the school is like, anything about Montana, or anything at all, please message me!



For prayers, I would love prayer for this next quarter which starts on Monday. We will be finishing out the New Testament except for Matthew. So this includes studying Revelation. Please pray that I continue in learning how to do the inductive study method well so I can get the most possible out of studying each book.

Please pray that as this new year begins, I'll continue to pursue holiness for my mind and actions. And with that, please pray that I would not be lead astray by my emotions, but I'd let truth guide me when I'm struggling.

Also I would love prayer for my future after SBS, as I'm already seeking to know what the Lord has for me afterwards!

For funds, I still need around $3,000 for the last quarter.

If you want to donate, my Venmo is @savannahdeann


ALSO I'm still selling mugs I created for SBS! They are $15 (additional donation is welcomed too)! If you'd like to purchase one, let me know. My mom can meet you! If I sell all the mugs, it will help with funding in a tremendous amount!

A video I made of first quarter, and some photos are below it!

Jesus is worthy of it all,




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Jan 04, 2022

Thank you for sharing you walk with school and how god is working in your life.I look forward to hearing more about how you study the word….


Jan 02, 2022

Thank you for sharing your past 3 months.....I love you baby girl.

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